22-26 May, 2024. I Papp László Budapest Sportaréna

Rhythmic Gymnastics European Championships – The contintental competition begins

The Hungarian national rhythmic gymnastics team had finished the podium trainings. After the event members of the group and the federation participated on a press conference where they talked about the last touches. Meanwhile the international participants are talking about the Hungarian organization on the highest levels.  

Everyone is prepared for the start – that was the main message of the press conference. During the EC there is one Olympic quota for individual and one for group. For the group quota the Hungarian team is about to fight also but to reach this they need to perform their best routines of their lives.

Fanni Pigniczki and Hanna Wiesner are representing Hungary in senior individual. Boglárka Barkóczi and Elena Vukmir competes in junior individual. Kíra Hagymási, Lilla Jurca, Mandula Mészáros, Dalma Pesti, Dóra Szabados, Mónika Urbán-Szabó and Júlia Farkas forms the senior group.

Erika Deutsch-Lazsányi, president of the Hungarian Rhythmic Gymnastics Technical Committee:

We have worked a lot so we could wait for the opening of EC with this level of preparedness. The girls are preparing in a good mood. The international delegations were saying only good things about the Hungarian organization and hopefully this will remain until the end of the European Championships.

Andrea Kovács competition director:

That long series of competition that ends on Sunday starts soon. We can see a tough international mass of competitors in Budapest, there are competitors who are in great shape from Italy, Germany, Israel, Bulgaria not to mention the Ukrainians. Both in individuals and group there is an Olympic quota  to gain.

Fanni Pigniczki, two-times olympain, world championshop medalist gymnast:

The arena has a great atmosphere. With my first two apparatus I had a great podium training, I got tired by the last two but fortunately during the competiton the tempo is not that hastened. It is good to be here and the everything is so comfortable.

Virág Mandula Mészáros, member of the apparatus group:  

We are together day and night in previous times. I feel that the team spirit is very good and all of us want one: two clean routines. The rest is not on us. We are not caring about the opponents, we know what our task is.

Boglárka Barkóczi junior World Championship 8th placed rhythmic gymnast:

The podium training could have been better for me I feel I was over-excited a bit. Luckily the competition is not today. I really like all of this and I just cannot imagine how will it be when I have to step on the floor in front of that many people.

The 40th Rhythmic Gymnastics European Championship will be held between the 22nd and 26th of May at Papp Laszlo Budapest Sportarena in organization of Hungarian Gymnastics Federation (MATSZ), Hungarian Rhythmic Gymnastics Federation (MRGSZ),  State Secretariat for Sports in the Ministry of Defence and National Event Organizing Agency (NRÜ).


Detailed program and more informations on the European Championships at rg2024.eu