22-26 May, 2024. I Papp László Budapest Sportaréna

The promo movie of the EC is spectacular

The promo movie of the rhythmic gymnastics EC can be seen on numerous platforms, lately. In the film, the Hungarian national team’s adult competitors are taking part. The main character is the two-time WC medalist Fanni Pigniczki.

Prior to the filming there was a training hall mapping where the crew consulting with the professional leaders watched the routines of the gymnasts. The clip was shot in a studio.

The short film gives back those spectacular and artistic moves, femininity and musicality that rhythmic gymnastics can give to the spectators. Along with this there is the “Together in Motion” feeling that is vibing. This is the slogan of the EC which in Hungarian is “Együtt Mozgásban”.

The minute and twenty seconds video starts with a locker room scene and at the end we see the whole adult national team. During the domestic organized EC the fans can watch the production of Fanni Pigniczki, Hanna Weisner and the members of the group numerous times.


The 40th Rhythmic Gymnastics European Championship will be held between the 22nd and 26th of May at Papp Laszlo Budapest Sportarena in organization of Hungarian Gymnastics Federation (MATSZ), Hungarian Rhythmic Gymnastics Federation (MRGSZ),  State Secretariat for Sports in the Ministry of Defence and National Event Organizing Agency (NRÜ).